Wow, ladies, you are all great! It has been so long since I actually had intelligent, nice, ladies to discuss issues with in an honest and straightforward way without fearing rejection and ostricization or excommunication from the female sex....I've had a few very bad experiences because of my ideas and opinions.
I willingly submit to my husband's headship over me as spiritual leader of our household. I believe it is the most perfect order and reflects the order set forth in the Trinity.
I draw the line when he is acting outside God's will for my life, such as cruelty or abuse. My husband is not a believer so the circumstances are a little different. I'm to follow my husband's lead but you can't follow a parked vehicle.
I work with him as much as possible and am trying to give him as much of God's love as I possibly can while preserving my integrity and fulfilling my purpose for being which is to bring glory to God in my life.
Sex to me is a gift. My non believing husband had subscriptions to Hustler, Playboy and other girlie mags. I told him I objected to them right off the bat and what I have to offer my husband is so far superior to what he might find in fantasy, that he gave up the subscription when it ran out.
Submission to my husband is a not a relenquishing of power, it is a gift of obedience to my creator and in that willing submission with wisdom and prudence, comes peace and joy. I don't do cartwheels and I'm down a lot, but at least I know I'm doing the right things in my relationship. I constantly ask for guidance.