Good Morning Ladies! I don't have internet at home so I missed a whole weekend of posts on this subject. Most of you know that I have a FIRM opinion that porn is wrong, wrong, wrong. It destroyed my marriage, it is an addiction that continuously must be fed and grow and with each feeding the viewer must have more, worse, more radical pictures. When 'low-grade' porn no longer satisfies they go looking for harder porn or gravitate towards gay or child porn. It will destroy if not cut off. It must be dealt with just like alchohol or drugs, not one picture must be viewed or it will open up the door to the addiction again.

Bluebird, young boys that view porn can 'sear' that part of the mind that deals with sex. There is much research on the subject on the internet. I know Dr. Dobson from Focus on the Family has some great info. It is dangerous for your son's future--his happiness, his ability to interact with women in a healthy manner, his future wife and relationship with her--to be viewing porn at this tender age.

The verses from the Bible about submitting to your husband could be viewed as having sex when they want, but could also be used in the context of anything else.

We are to love, honor and respect them. We are to obey them BUT if we are putting ourselves or our children in danger then we have to take a stand. That verse is a two-fold verse. We are to submit when they ARE being a godly head of household.

If they told us to help them rob a bank, we wouldn't--it would be against the law. If they wanted to have sex with our children, we wouldn't allow it--we would fight with everything we had to keep our chidlren safe. The word submit can be confusing and should not be misconstrued as a way to control us or use us as door mats. Be wise, be watchful, pray and God will show you what to do.

OK end of soapbox....