Almost every show I watch now, ( I don't have cable this is just regular every night TV), has in the story, references to porn--internet or magazine. It's the same with gay relationships--so many shows are adding it to the theme and even if men and boys stop viewing it on the computer, every direction they turn to in society is pushing it.

Even commercials show women in next to nothing or compromising positions to sell product. I would think for an addict that any TV would be off limits.

How do you get a 12 yr. old to not think about it when the shows talk about porn--from every angle--you can watch a CSI and they will talk abou the addictive aspects, then you can turn on a comedy and they will joke about how much fun porn is to watch...

How do we as women effect change in this area? We know it's wrong, we know it's addictive, we know it destroys marriages, we are a large voting block of American opinion--how do we effect change? It's bigger than dealing with it one household at a time. We have judges going against the federal government mandate and allowing gay marriages--the agenda is out there--what are we going to do about it? What can we do aboutit? Do we want to do anything about it? Or do we want to wait until it hits our home, our child, our husband......