Chatty, since my marriage seems to be coming to an end and the three of us are probably going to have to try and make it on my meager $10 an hour job, I can tell you I have given thought to starting that type of business. Start up is cheap and overhead is low.
I just can't though. My daughter was making 4K a weekend stripping and since has given it up because she says God can't bless her and won't answer or even lhear her prayers while she is engaged in that activity.
I respect her so much since she has taken a job as a bartender in a club downtown and as a server in a local restaurant for a fraction of what she was making as a stripper.
I have NO idea how we will all make it, but I believe God will take care of us.
I love the scripture that says, "I have never seen the righteous forsaken, or HIS seed out begging for bread."
I'm frightened and anxious sometimes but I know we'll make it somehow and you will too.