I think everyone is right about why men continue to "look," but I also think it's more than about lust.

It's about power and taking the easy way out. Porn is a fantasy land for guys -- they can look at an attractive body, pretend it's theirs and not have to work with the model's "mind" or deal with "that time of the month," etc., etc., etc. They don't have to talk to it or be rejected by it, buy it flowers, romance it. They can fantasize about the "perfect woman" who is right there on the computer for them. Once the needs are satisfied, it's just a matter of logging off and forgetting about her.

While we're bombarded with the importance of fighting "ED" with drugs like Viagra, we're also treated to the importance of having the perfect body to attract men, so I think BOTH sides are a little confused in this day and age. They do it, we allow it.

As an example, I was discussing my situation with a friend, who told me she couldn't understand why I was so upset. Seems in the early days of her marriage, she had an "open marriage," and her husband had carte blanche to fall in love with whomever he wanted, which I gather happened frequently. She didn't get jealous or upset, and was actually proud of herself that she was so "understanding" about it! She just didn't want to be the last to know, she said.

I asked her how she could do that to herself and stay with someone who simply wasn't ready to commit himself to a one-on-one relationship, but I never did get an answer.

With that type of attitude, it's no wonder some guys believe marriage means they can fool around with other women.

Amazing society we live in.

I'll now climb down from my soapbox :-).