"Why would people even bother to get married in this situation?"

This is a REAL good question, Ladybug and one I constantly try to figure out. Why would any woman put herself in that situation? Or man, for that matter? "Open marriage" is ridiculous. If you're going to sleep around with other people and still want to live with someone, fine (just be careful because there's a lot of creeping crud out there), but don't pretty it up and call it "marriage," because it ain't. I don't think my friend appreciated my comments about it, though I couched it in very diplomatic terms -- as in "this is my opinion only, and it wouldn't work for me . . . " But I was shocked at this revelation, because I thought my friend and her husband were VERY devoted to one another. Ah, well. No truth in advertising, I guess.

Also, Number5, LOL, and no offense, but size doesn't mean a whole lot if he doesn't know what to do with it :-).

Chatty's right, too -- guys are so invested in "how big" and "was it good for you?" Score a couple of points with my hubby, is that he never felt he had to go the "macho route" and boast about either size or his "skills."

I know, under the category of "TMI," I'm going to sign off . . .