I think this is a very emotional topic and emotional responses are probably to be expected.

There is no easy answer to the issue of spouses cheating on one another, whether that "cheating" involves going on the computer to view porn, dialing a number and breathing heavily into the phone or or the "physical" act of adultery.

Everyone has an opinion on it, and let's face it, people are hurt by the betrayal of trust when such a thing happens to them, as "innocuous" as the act may seem. The comment of "at least when I'm looking at it on the Internet, I'm not out DOING it with another woman" does nothing for a women's self-esteem or trust in her mate when it's her spouse who is uttering those words.

When people get hurt, they get emotional. When they get emotional, it's easy to lash out, especially in print, at something or someone else.

This doesn't excuse the behavior, nor does it downplay the pain the "lashee" might experience, but it explains it.

Thanks, Number5, and the rest of you, for putting it into perspective.