Finally i understand number five, why you call yourself # 5...(i'm a bit slow to put it politely) ..... the fifth wife right ? I think Casey called you Bliss... so Bliss, 'tis time to erase that 'number five' name . Certainly you are much much more than the 'fifth wife'. What? You didn't say that was your total identity did you ?

Anyway, if there are no AA meetings within the next few minutes from where you live, look up 'AA' online. Whether you have a 'drinking problem' or not the 12 step program is a way of life which you may come to treasure .

If you decide the program is for you and if you can get a sponser who is supportive, but not afraid to ask the tough questions (like Chatty has been and done) well that is a sponser you will also treasure .... because obviously when one quits drinking, so many other difficult truths have to faced. Whether they are childhood traumas, financial bedlam, family chaos .....or all of that and more .... so if you head off to a meeting,
remember you will be among friends ....

[ April 01, 2006, 04:30 AM: Message edited by: norma ]