Hello Ladies,

I wanted to bring you up to date on what's happened. I got a chuckle out of your definition of step.
My husband and I had a very serious talk about our rules, our position in what has happened. It's true...G regards me as insignicant in this situation yet at the same time tells his father I haven't done enough lately for them...despite the fact that it was my tractor his butt was parked on when he trashed it and it was his wife who I drove to the vet for her sick bird not 2 weeks ago. My husband, Larry, let G know his position, which is beside me and that G needed to accept the fact that I am not going anywhere and that I need to be respected and that he and I make the decisions on things. Larry told G he could not believe how they've treated me after all I've done for them...One of G's responses was "not lately"...despite the fact that, that is not true. Larry told G that he and M (his wife) need to apologize to me, not the other way around. G said he'd go back and talk to M about it and see what she says.
It got me all riled up again after hearing G thinks I've not done enough for them...despite the fact that this father's day went by and not one of Larry's kids cared enough about him to drop 99 cents for a single father's day card.
I think Larry's finally seeing how ungrateful these kids are and how selfish they've behaving. But, in order to make me look bad, they are trying to take the position that it's my fault and not theirs.
I'm proud of my husband for being a real father to his son by telling him the truth. I bought my husband a gift and card thanking him for standing by my side and doing the right thing and left it for him to see when he got home from work...He works crazy hours with the railroad and does not have a set schedule.
That's another thing...despite the fact there have been times Larry has been tired, not much sleep, G would call asking him to come over and help him do this or that...Larry always would. Burns me up to think about how these kids truly are inside and to know their true motives...it's all about them to to heck with what anyone else might feel or need.
I hate to think of the kids they'll be raising.
Thanks for letting me vent...