HUGS, Bliss (aka #5), we are loving you here. We are a safe place and we hate to see you in such pain. We support you in finding your way to the peace you want.

There are some things you will need to do along the way. And there are those of us who have been there before you, crawled out of the same dark hole. It's one step at a time, one moment at a time. Can you get to an Al-Anon group? You will find friends there. They will "love you as you already are." On a practical side, you do need to get to a lawyer to find out your rights. You do have them. Don't give them up just to spite him. All you do then is make yourself a victim one more time.

Once I was just where you are. I had no idea what to do next. I was in so much pain it was unbelievable. I didn't know how to get past the ache. I felt like it was sufficating me. Then I would get really angry and out of control. I remember thinking I would never be able to get rid of all that anger. Ten years later, it's all gone. I don't know where it went, but the aching pain and the rage are gone. You can get there, too. You have the power.