Shawn has been in psych facilities and also in a home for four months two years ago. It is always nice when he isn't here...I have disengaged a great deal the last couple of days. His therapist has recommended that he have a threat assessment; just wonder how much that will cost. Hopefully our insurance will cover it. The insurance that we have is pretty good but who knows...

Dad is handling things with him, other than what he can't do with being at work when the kids are getting up and off to school.

I'm focusing on other things right now, having the school contact his father and leaving me out of things. I'm going to see his therapist alone, as she works often with just dad and I without Shawn there, as Shawn doesn't particularly contribute anything constructive to discussions of his behaviours. I have to let her know what I feel about things without dad there to hear, as I really don't want to hurt him. He and I do talk about the seriousness of how dangerous Shawn is, or could be, but I don't think that he can deal with putting him out of the house if it came down to it. He has had his own issues as a boy with his father and his stepfather; abandoned by one and beaten continually by the other. His stepfather blamed him for the death of one of my husband's sisters, and then also said that my husband should have died instead. We think that the stepfather was sexually abusing the little girl and when she died, he couldn't handle it so took it out on my husband. Two years after that, however, stepfather died. Too late however, the damage was done and my husband's never dealt with the pain from this.

I'm too strong a woman to have this defeat me/us.