A while after I was divorced, I wrote a "life Plan." I wrote it just as I taught businesses to write business plans.

In prayer I identified the priorities of my life. I wrote them down. I wrote an overall vision and a vision for each of my priorities. The visions were big. They were desires that God put in my heart as I prayed. I wrote my prayers in letters to God.

After I wrote my visions, I wrote an overall mission and missions for each priority. I wrote my prayers about the path I would take to the vision for each area of my life.

Then with the mission in front of me, I wrote goals for each area with objectives. I built in accountability only to God because I never shared the plan with anyone except Him.

In writing I thanked God for where I was at that moment. I prayed for my children and that I be a blessing in their lives. I prayed for my professional life. I asked God to give me joy and allow me to bless others. I asked that God send me a mate only if He had chosen one for me. I prayed that I be a blessing to others either way and if there was a mate, God bless him and send him to me in His timing.

Recently I went back to read my "Life Plan" as a part of a class on "Life Planning" I am teaching at my church. I was astounded at the miracles in that plan. All the prayers have been or are being answered.

This weekend was my husband's birthday. Our families came together for a party and his mother spoke of how she prayed for him before he was born. I remembered how I also had prayed for him before I knew him. We talked about what he was doing at the time I wrote that plan and I realized how God was answering my prayers long before I knew my husband or that there would be one.

Writing that life plan helped me know what was truly important in my life. It brought me closer to God and settled me to find the joy around me as a single person. It helped me accept who I was at that moment.

Maybe writing your pain, your joy, your prayers, and the direction you hope to take in life would help you at this time.


[ April 05, 2006, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]