My son had ODD,(opposite defiant disorder) ADHD/ADD.

He's 26 now and has grown out of his outbursts and wild behavior.
Back then.. he was building bombs in his room and threatening sucide everyday. Threatening to cut everyone's throat while we typical is not what I called him.
His medicine was court ordered...but after reaching 18 he went off all medicine and hasn't gone back.

He does have a hard time staying focused with work, and nomally isn't with a job longer than 3-6 months at a time...refuses to even think about med's.

About 2 years ago he started a fight with his sister and threatened her...she refused to press I put him out of the house for nearly a year and a half.
No...problems since...everyone in this house knows you mind your p's and q's or the police will be called and you will go to jail.
We accept no calls for bail money. Just the way it is.

Dotsie, had a good idea about the medication. Wouldn't hurt to check...sometimes med's just stop being effective.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.