Thanks for your support ~ when I keep looking at some of the things that we believe that he's developing into (as in mental illness), it shows some indication that the parenting styles can cause a child to not feel validated, worthy, etc. His biomom, who lost any custodial rights three years ago, was not a parent, she was more of a buddy. I am a strict parent, his father isn't, and perhaps in some way, I have created something in him that might not have been there. But I do believe that he didn't start off right and most of his behaviours were there long before I met him.

I will never approve of the stealing, the lying, the violence, and it isn't my fault that he has a poor memory and I have to remind him of so many things, and if he feels inadequate because of his poor memory, that isn't my fault. He said yesterday in the ER that he wasn't going to change, he would never participate in therapy of any kind and EFF you, he didn't care what anyone said or thought. He is very, very angry.

I now have to prepare for the hearing on Thursday.