We made $27,000 on the sale of this house and its been sitting in the bank. Today he went out and traded in his car and bought a new one and paid an additional $12,000 for it so now there's only about $15,000 left in savings and that's the only retirement there is.

Today my 2000 Ford Focus which I"m making payments on died with Aaliyah and I stuck in the middle of a busy highway so I called him to let him know. He was already at the bar and said, "Well, just try to make it home."

He had made plans to go and see his friends about 2 hrs. away tomorrow in his new car. He knows if I have to call into work again I will be fired and I had a babysitter lined up to watch Aaliyah at her house tomorrow while I worked.

when I called him to tell him my car had died, all he could say was that he was furious and said, "What am I supposed to do tomorrow without a car?" I told him I would try to find a ride to work. He was at the bar and said he'd be here at the house soon, but that was two hours ago.

He has been drinking and I"m afraid he will be furious if he even shows up at all. He has left me stranded in the middle of no where at 2am before and wouldn't help me.

I could just leave, but I don't have anywhere to go yet and no money. What if I were to withdraw about $2,000 and take off with Aaliyah to the other side of the state and find a place to live??? I have a friend in Tampa we could stay with for a while...