Bliss (aka #5),
You need a lawyer, an advocate who will deal with this man and keep you out of it, and get your fair share. But that will take time.

How long have you known the person you are planning to share space with? Is there a reference from someone else? It does sound like a good solution to the housing plan.

And you would have a job as well with the same company? Sounds good! What about child care?

Sounds like you are making plans for your future without Warren. That's really good.

I'm sure that God loves Warren, just as she loves all of us. But, you need to take care of you. This man has major problems (I just shake my head at the "demands" he made of you -- what a laugh!) that you can't fix. But what is worse, is they are dangerous to you and the ones you love.

Keep moving in the "away" direction! We're here for you.