Since you wrote for all of us to read, #5, I'll put my 2 cents in too...Take the money and run. This new place sounds like it has more to offer - being close to Katie, AND a branch office...I'm not sure you would need to move in with your friend. Couldn't you find a small apartment or something? I believe there is much more harm being done to Aaliyah staying where you are...Way too much chaos for an already stressed out child...( I don't think she IS getting routine, and security right now - but maybe familiarity which is not necessarily a good thing) Take her and move, find a nice day care, give her stability and calmeness.

And you can find a decent used car for a couple of thousand.....I would do all this secretly and as soon as you can. Today..Or take your present car to the garage and have them fix it to good working order...

I believe you should withdraw that money as soon as possible - yeah, leave an IOU if you feel you need to, but how about payment for pain and suffering??? But just take the half of it, if you could get into trouble with the courts...

Since he threatened to kill you, can't you take advantage of a domestic violence program??

I believe you should let God deal with this man (child) without your involvement. His spirituality is between him and his God and should be left there. If you believe God can do miracles, then get out of the way and let Him proceed - it has nothing to do with you any longer. # 5, is it possible that you are unwittingly using your faith to continue a relationship with this man? If you are, consider this - I believe God(Harietta) is smart and knows exactly how to deal with your husband. You need not be anywhere around or connected in any way . But you are smart enough for a mortal and already know that this guy is a danger to you and your grandchild - if not physically, then emotionally. I also believe that you already know you should get out of there and that you are just needing some encouragement to leave. I am encouraging....If you were my own sister, I would come and get you and instill reason in your heart, in fact, I would do everything short of kidnap you and Aaliyah to get you out of there. But I guess you would just go back if you hadn't figured it out for yourself.

I don't think there is one single woman on this forum that would advise you to stay anywhere near this guy...That should be some encouragement.

The greatest glory that you could give God is to take care of yourself and your grandchild and let God take care of your husband .

I wish you well in this and really hope you will use the good reason God gave you - this is dragging out a long time now, and remember, Aaliyah senses every emotional state you are in - she has only you to look to for her sense of peace ,security and well being. If you are unable to leave this man for yourself, then do it for Aaliyah - she does not need to see his behavior as a model for her own future behavior, nor your reaction to him...I know you wouldn't want her to be involved with such a person - but she will from example if that's all she knows....
