#5 half of that money belongs to you and half of $27,000. is $13,500 take it and get the hell out of there BUT once you leave have no contact with this man what-so-ever and believe me he isn't going to kill anybody. Everything he's done up to now shows his cowardice. First grab the cash, then find a motel near a garage and pay to have your car fixed. Then leave and never look back.....Not so sure about moving in with yet another man but it doesn't have to be a permanent situation.....Don't wait too long either or you may lose your job or he may spend the money by finding some dumb broad stupid enough to have the boob job he is willing to pay for and the cheapest one costs $6000.+ [Mad]

[ April 08, 2006, 08:09 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]