writegirl - I keep two floppy copies for my manuscripts, in addition to my master file on my laptop.

My son bought me a flashdrive and it is wonderful, except the device is so small that I am afraid I will lose it so I have not used it for any manuscripts yet.

I tended to print out more than I needed to, but I feared what Chatty experienced, one crash to wipe out all of my work. Keeping multiple files has eliminated the need for printing.

Dianne - You need a wireless router (unless you are close enough to a neighbor who has one and you can pirate their signal.) I have my desktop PC's hooked into the wireless router via cable so it is a more secure connection. My laptops are used as a true wireless connection.

My laptop did not have a wireless card so I bought an external one that pops in like a floppy. It cost $50.00 and was well worth it.