Rose, A warm welcome to you. Chatty is right, there are many talented writers and poets here at BWS.

When I read your post, I was humbled by your kind words. I read them to my husband who said, "read it to me again." Then he asked me to read the poem to him again. It is one of his favorites and the part about "our hands in prayer" was his suggestion.

Rose, do you write stories or poetry? It is a great outlet for me. I have been very busy these past few weeks and haven't written anything but I will be back in the swing of things in a day or so.

I hope you will stay here as part of our family. It has been my place for a while now and I have become a better person by learning and sharing with my sisters. I PM'd(private message) you also.

Again, thank you for your kind words, they touched our heart.
