Dianne, how many will this make? Congrats.

TVC, Your guys getting together is one of the reasons I love sports. It promotes family togetherness.

Justme, I beleive the comment aobut food. It's a munch fest!

Daisy, I can relate to your mention of visiting empty stadiums. When we travel within the states, hubby always checks to see what team is in town and if there's a game going on. If so, he gets tickets and heads to another stadium. I love going to the islands. NO STADIUMS there. Just beaches!

Maggie, you do crafts. I read books. Anything to be occupied.

NHJackie and Jeannine, my family is also into college sports because the money isn't there...as much. Professional sports have gotten out of control!

This is the first year we didn't go to a party, nor did we have people here. I commented in the diet forum that I liked it because I had a normal eating day! No dips, chips, wings...