DebShines and struggling2, this question is to me one of the hardest to answer because whats right for one may not be right for others. You need to take stock of yourself 'first.' Know who you are and what you need and what you are willing to settle for, if in fact you're willing to settle. That has to come first for how can you possibly understand your man if you don't understand yourself. I would say that after this is accomplished, TAKE IT SLOW, make sure whatever decisions you come to will benefit you and you're children the most. To me once a man has cheated in any fashion he is soiled and used merchandise, he has thrown back into our face the love, commitment, and honesty we have given to him. Our vows! Would you forgive a man that takes out a knife and plunges it into your heart? They are doing just that but their knives are made of treachery and humiliation....The biggest problem with remaining together is that we can forgive, maybe, but we will NEVER forget!!!

[ June 10, 2006, 11:39 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]