I bought a pedometer, and it included a pamphlet about walking 10,000 steps a day. I thought, whew--it will take me a while to work up to that! But I put on the pedometer in the morning as I walked around the house and up and down the stairs. I walked around my neighborhood--lots of hills--two times the first day. At the end of the day, I had reached 10,500 steps! I was amazed! So I continued this every day for the past week. Some days seemed harder than others to reach the goal. I swear I thought I would never reach 10,000 yesterday!! I walked and walked and walked--up and down the hills--going all over my neighborhood. I FINALLY reached my goal and came home exhausted, but also exhillerated that I had reached my goal. I am pretty sore all over right now, but I hope it will really make a difference if I keep it up. I also am eating very well right now--small healthy meals and drinking only water. My goal is both weight loss and good health--but right now, weight loss is my top priority. Five pounds down and about 30 to go! I really hope I stick to it this time! I am getting bored with my neighborhood walks, though--may try mall walking or drive to a park with walking trails. I cannot afford a gym membership right now, but maybe one day--I like treadmills and indoor tracks best, but I refuse to wait until I can afford a gym membership to begin losing weight! [Smile] Walking is free, and eating fruits and vegetables and drinking water can be cheap, too!