Sug and Browser, I'm so sorry that both of you have dealt with this and Sug, lost a dear friend.

I had a girlfriend who suffered with this and it was a difficult friendship. I spent many late nights on the phone as I tried to talk her down or up but it did no good, as you know. The smallest, most trivial things would put her into a tailspin. She even physically attacked me once.

She dumped me as a friend because I married David. Came to the wedding but would glare at me. She told me she couldn't understand why I had found a man and she hadn't. How do you answer that? She never spoke to me again after the wedding.

Have you read Danelle Steels (sp) book about her son who suffered from this and overdosed and died? It really gives insight into what these poor souls are going through and you understand why they commit suicide. It also shows how it can tear a family apart. She and her husband divorced because when her son was having an episode, whether she was on tour or what, she'd run home to help him and her husband couldn't deal with the disruption in their marriage. Just so very sad. And, her son was just beautiful. Looked like a male model but his poor little mind was so sick.
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes