Dianne, you're right. The patients are scared and almost helpless. I know from my own bouts with 'doctors' that this is possible. A few friends and family members speak of the days when I so desperately depended on doctors to help me through my mental turmoil. They all reported that I was 'zoombie like'.

One friend and a family member took the initiative to call the doctor on my behalf since I was so incoherent during the psycho-pharma treatment that I 'could not' speak for myself. It took a while to really come out of that cloud I'd allowed them to put me in while trusting that they were the experts.

I haven't taken anything since, even when I feel like I need to, due to that experience.

I really feel for the patients that don't have anyone to speak for them. I really feel for the ones that need it and don't take it either because it stabilizes them too much and they've grown accustomed to their behavior and feel it's 'too boring' to be stable.

How are you these days? What's working for you or not?
"Live simply so that others may simply live." ~~Unknown Author