As a professional therapist who has treated hundreds of bipolar patients (in conjunction with the psychiatrists who prescribe their medications), I've seen all of the struggles, which all of you so poignantly described, with being bipolar and being the friend or relative of someone diagnosed with the disease. Many communities have bipolar support groups for patients and families. Most psychiatrists welcome family members, if the patient agrees, to sit in on medication evaluations. Therapists can be the target of the same mood swings, hostile attitudes, and noncompliance that family members experience. Sometimes providing treatment to the family member is the only means of helping. It is a baffling and powerful disorder. New, more effective, and safer medications are being developed all the time. The issue is still about how to engage the bipolar sufferer in ongoing treatment so that they can work through finding the most effective medication and staying on it. Forums such as this one and ones specifically for bipolar sufferers and family members can be very helpful. At least you know you are not alone. My best to all of you.
Dr. Karen Stephen
NABBW Mental Health Advisor