My very first suggestion would be this:

When you meet a woman for the very first time..DON'T ASK!

"Don't ask what?" you ask. Don't ask how many children they have. Of course, if you already know, then fine.

But that is one of the hardest questions we experience. We have to say "None".Even if we have step children, it is NOT the same! (side note: I have a friend who has both and she told me the other day that when others make such comments as 'oh, you're a step DO have kids',she says 'no way is it the same'".)

If, by chance, the conversation DOES go into the fact that a woman does/could not have children, do NOT:

ask why..This gets into someone's "bedroom" scene and is a very personal...too personal, in fact...question. Please don't go there.

offer ridiculous advice ie; "to 'use' a certain sex position; have dh wear boxer shorts; etc etc etc.

say "why don't you adopt?". Believe me..we have ALL thought of these things. And adoption must be an agreement between both husband/wife. Sometimes it's financial issues; sometimes one spouse does not WANT to adopt". Don't ask!

Make terrible comments like:

"You can have mine" (we are likely to ask you to begin drawing up the adoption papers!) I'm likely to say, "Do your kids know you do not want them? Even though it may be intended for "jest", we are very hurt and it does NOT help make things easier.

"Kids are not all they are cracked up to be". Oh? Do your kids know you say that about them? Shame on you!

"You're not missing much'. Same as above.

"They are so much work". ha! Can we trade?

Also, re; grandparenting. Same thing.

I was in a circle of much older ladies who were all sharing grandchildren photos. One asked me, "How many do yOU have?" "None", I replied, uncomfortably and sadly.

Do not assume that ALL women were able to bear a child! The numbers say that 10% of the US population of women are infertile. That means if you are at a luncheon with 10 women, one is likely to not have children, not by her choice.

Please, these really are personal, heart-wrenching comments and questions.

When you DO meet a new acquaintance, ask;

About her personally;

"Do you have family in the area?" That will open her up to share whatever she wants.

If you do know, for a fact,that a woman COULD not have kids, simply say 'I'm sorry for your loss". Period!

Also, even in the event of a miscarriage:

Do not say; oh, you can try again. WE must mourn the loss/death of this baby. Whether it was just a few weeks into gestation or further along. A sympathy card, flowers is appropriate. And it is NOT God's will for us to die. So, saying if it was for the best is WRONG! Then why are we feeling so forlorn and sad?

I know this is a bit wordy, but God has called me to educate the world, as much as I can, about 'our world' of CNBC'hood (Childless not by choice)