Di, thanks for starting this post. I need to hear all of this again, and the funny thing is that I've been on both sides of this fence...and then some.

We tried to conceive a child for four years, adopted two, then got pregnant. So I've heard the comments about not having kids, adopting from another country, and having a family with both adopted and birth children. I've heard some really ridiculous comments through the years and witnessed many odd stares especially when our children were little.

While walking a Florida beach holding my precious Korean daughter, aged 9 months (and I was seven months pregnant in a bathing suit) with my blonde, fair-haired husband holding hands with our two year old Korean son...we must have been the talk of the beach. A woman glared me down, followed be into the bathroom by the pool and asked if I was with my husband, and were they my kids, and were they REAL brother and sister, etc. I said yes to everything and she left totally confused.

I chalk it all up to ignorance. People don't think, and if they do, I don't think they intend to be rude, just curious. Things like this rarely happen to us these days, but if they do, I do my best to educate and not take offense.

Thanks for educating us and making us aware of our stupidity (at least mine).
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.