Princess, wow, what an way to have to carry on after your sister was placed in an institution. What did people think happened to her? I pray that wouldn't happen in today's society. In many ways, we've come a long way.

Lola, I can't imagine what a strain that puts on your relationship. I pray time heals that wound so you can eventually share your grandchildren with them. But how hard for now. I'm so sorry.

You don't have to answer here, but I'm wondering if your niece would consider adoption...

I remember going through four years of infertility, never knowing if we would get pregnant. It was a very emotional time. But once we made the decision to adopt, we knew we would never be childless. It was a tremendous relief for a couple who always dreamed of being a mom and dad, but lived in fear of the possibility of that dream never coming true. I just prayed for your niece. The poor girl has already suffered enough loss.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.