It wasn't so long ago that I was complaining about "too quiet" weekends. Hrmph. Wonder how long it will be before I ever make THAT complaint again! Now they're a blur - Sundays alone are seemingly endless - fun and delightful, but long nevertheless. We leave for church at 8:30am, then take our 5-year-old granddaughter out for our weekly lunch/play date, and then stop off at my brother's on the way home to cook him enough supper to make two plates of leftovers for Monday and Tuesday nights, usually getting home around 7:00pm. Then I'm home for two days catching up on stuff here at home before heading back over to my brother's place from Wednesday to Saturday.

But the truth is that as hectic as they are, these days are much preferable to the very slow lonely quiet ones that used to drag on too long.

Still, I'm not ready for the Christmas blur quite yet...
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)