My Homeowners Association continually mismanages the HOA dues, sending out letters of past due and threats to take liens against our residences, loses payments, holds payments for weeks/months, attempts to correct and then again accuses the homeowners of not complying! Unfortunately, there are not enough homeowners to take over the association. I've contacted the magistrate who relays the filing fees would come out of my own pocket to include service of process. I've spoken to an attorney at work in our realestate department who concurred w/ the magistrate's comments. The only way to correct this is to obtain copies of my checks w/ front/back at my cost of $3 per check for the past year. They are also holding checks and refuse to cash!

Now, I'm tired of this B.S. I want action. I've drafted a letter indicating the payments (check no., issue date, deposit/transaction date), previous phone calls, and letters. I'm very tempted to send this letter every week until corrected and possibly send a complaint to the state Labor, License and Regulation office referencing the realtor's license no. in whose name the HOA dues are sent.

Have any of ya'll had to deal w/ an HOA that did not comply, and if so, what did you and other homeowners do to correct the records?

Thanks gals!