I agree Dotsie; winter nights can be awfully long.
I found writing is a great way to spend my timeā€¦and then sometimes the nights aren't long enough. Same thing happens when I paint.
Usually during the week, Hubby and I go to movies or the theatre. Sometimes on weekends we get together with friends or family.
What's missing in my life is charity work. I used to work at Mass. General Hospital in Boston in pediatrics. I entertained the little patients there with puppet shows, reading to them and painting with them. I loved doing that. I know as soon as I retire, I will want to get involved in some kind of volunteer work again.
I don't watch much TV and my husband does (especially sport shows). Therefore we don't sit together evenings. But we do a lot of sports together and we love to travel. Actually the older we get, the earlier we go to bed and the earlier we get up. So we've turned into day people anyway, which automatically shortens the nights.