Thanks for all your thoughts and ideas. This is great. You've given me lots to think about.

JJ, your idea of cleaning out closets and getting organized is exactly what I planned to do once the kids left, but I can't do that since the surgery. This will change. I really want to have the house in tip-top shape when the kids come home for Thanksgiving. I think that's a good goal so that should keep me busy in a couple weeks.

Hannelore, I also want to give back a little. My husband is a mentor for a little boy at a local orphanage so I'm considering that, but it must be done during the day. My free time is really at night and they don't want you visiting the kids at night because it interferes with dinner, homework and their evening routines.

I do some of the things you all suggested already. I guess what I'm trying to do is find some balance. It's fun to be home some nights, but I don't want to be in Sun. through Thursday night. Part of this also has to do with the fact that I have a home office so I am not out and about during the day. One can only stay in so much.

We always get out on the weekend, either alone or with family and friends, or we have people here. I am a people person. Can you tell?

I guess what I'm learning in this empty nest is the fact that it's okay to relax. I'm learning to like it actually. Last night I watched an entire college football game with Ross. This is a first. Of course it was my son's college team that was playing so it added some interest.Usually, Ross and the kids would watch while I scampered about doing what I wanted to do. Now I like to keep him company.

If any of you have other thoughts, keep them coming. I'll let you know what I decide.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.