I guess my question is, why does it seem that people think in extremes? Why can't a woman be a tomboy/siren, a vamp one day with makeup and jewelry and cleavage and high heels and flirting away the next? Why can't we get down and dirty and talk like a drunk sailor and be drunk like a sailor if we want to? Why can't we mud wrestle and roller blade and then wear a formal to a Mardi Gras ball?

We don't have to be divided into two camps, the "au natuarale's" and the "Marilyn Monroe's". We can all dredge up men who prefer our particular tastes to someone elses...after all most men are goober heads anyway.

I certainly have my own preferences where men are concerned..I couldn't be with a man with a small penis. Just couldn't, I don't care how smart and sophisticated he is or how much in touch he is with his feminine side or whatever. Its not impossible to find a great man with a great penis and a pocket full of money.
Aarikja Ann