Thanks, I think I've high-jacked this post from showing off cleavage (which I don't have) to small boobs :-)
He does not put me down ever, and does not compare me to other women. He's very supportive in my getting fit for health purposes. But, he is a guy and a jock at that and knows every muscle name, bone etc. He's a former professional football player and has been working out since he was a teenager. I'm not sure if the insecurity is mine or his. I think my antenna goes up when he mentions my chest.

He buys me lingerie and at Christmas bought me a size to big in that area. He teased me and said, oh, your only a 'B' I thought you were a 'C', he knows my size. (the top just said large, no cup size) I have heard women complain that their significant others buy them lingerie to small (maybe wishful thinking) so I guess it may be the same thing. As I said, he has made mention of my size in a teasing way a few times in the two years that we have been going out. I think it's me that makes a big deal of it. I wish he would not say anything though. Maybe I send off signals to him that I'm insecure about it, who knows.

You are right about the insecurity in gym rats. He is a perfectionist, his muscle tone is slipping (he's 49) and he is used to being buff.(muscular) He has gained some weight as well and is not happy about that. Although he works out, he also eats out alot and likes rich food. I tease him about that so maybe he's just giving it back.

Communication is the key to any good relationship and we both know that. So, if it continues to bug me or comes up again I will talk to him about it.

Now, back to showing off cleavage, if you've got it flaunt it :-)