Hannelore, "burnt-out" is a very apt description of how I'm feeling these days. And I know I have to just "stop" and take those deep breaths and refocus on what's important this year and let all the other stuff slide.

Hubby and I have been planning a major change in the way we celebrate Christmas. We knew we couldn't change too much this year because we need to give our family ample warning, and also because there have already been so many major upheavals in everyone's lives this past year. We didn't want to add such drastic change to Christmas on top of a year that has left all of us really needing some sense of continuity and normalcy. So we left Christmas alone this year - other than restricting the 25th supper to just my brother and step-daughter.

Next year, though, we're planning to go away on a Christmas vacation and let everyone do their own Christmas thing. Then when we get back, we're going to drastically change how we do it. Like you, we're going to only buy one gift for each person, lowering the limit of each gift at the same time, and we're going to simplify the entire holiday season so that the focus is on celebrating the joy of Christ and love of family. The gifts will be small tokens of our love for each person.

Our Christmases have become far too extravagant (based on everyone's expectations from years past) and overwhelmingly exhausting for me, who, like you, has to work 24/7 in the background coordinating everything and ending up totally burnt-out and unable to enjoy the festivities or time with my family.

It IS a choice...we choose the Christmas we want...it's been years since I've had the spiritually-joyful Christmas that I want. It's my fault for allowing myself to be pressured by the in-laws, but hubby agrees that it's time for drastic changes. Next year.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)