Dotsie, I love that image of "planting seeds" when it comes to spirituality. You know when you garden, it tends to be a rather quiet, contemplative act of love - digging the earth, dropping the seeds/bulbs in place, carefully covering them with more soil, faithfully watering and tending to them over the next weeks and months until they finally break through the earth. That's how I seem to be drawn to share my spiritual faith with some people - slowly, gently, care-fully, patiently sowing seeds of possibility, planting food for thought just when the soil is most thirsty and receptive, backing off so that the seeds can unfold on their own when the time is right. I've heard the Christian call to evangelize for my entire life and have often felt guilty for not being more out-spoken. But God has shown me time and again that He does do some of His most powerful work through the gentlest sowing of seeds and possibilities in the hardest of hearts.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)