Anno, I am thinking that you might ask yourself first what you want to accomplish with your writing. Is it about making money? Or is it about getting a message, product, or service across to others? Is writing your passion or a hobby? Or is what you are writing about your ministry/mission. For example, our Dianne says she was an author before she was a writer. She says that she had a message to get across to others about experiencing and overcoming DV. She felt called to write a book. Now, she writes because she learned that she loved writing. I hope Dianne doesn't mind that I used her example. I'd say that you visit each Featured Author section here on BWS because your cohorts who are writers have profound, proficient, and prolific information. Oh, and many writers don't make money a dollar per book unless you sell a zillion copies. Most writers make money by public speaking. They become experts on their topics, and do presentations. Dotsie, I never heard of this book or the one Chatty speaks of. I'll check into them. There are so many good books on writing. Maybe BWS can do an anthology of our stories about our writing, kind of like "Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul" by BWS. There really is a CSFTWS and it's inspiring.

Edited by Lynnie (12/17/06 12:01 AM)