Here is an update with some new info that I previously posted:

Author seeking contributors for book

Nancy Christie, author of The Gifts of Change ( is seeking contributors to her new book on change. Christie would like both personal stories that illustrate the theme of each chapter as well as experts in the field of change and personal development to provide their insights.

If you are interested in participating, send an e-mail to In the subject line, write “Source for SAY YES book" and in the message, include a few details about yourself: either about the change or challenge you have overcome (or are currently dealing with) or your professional background in the field of self-transformation and personal development.

Christie will add you to the source list and will periodically send e-mails regarding the topics she is exploring. (See for details about current subjects) If your story becomes part of the book, your name and state will be included, you’ll receive a copy of the book, and the satisfaction in knowing that your experience has helped the readers move forward on their path!
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes